MAPPA’s most-awaited anime series of 2022, Chainsaw Man, is finally close to its official release. Based on the legendary manga series by Tatsuki Fujimoto, the upcoming anime series will feature the journey of Denji, a poor boy who makes a contract with Pochita, the Chainsaw Devil.
So far, MAPPA has released two official trailers for Chainsaw Man, which gave us a pretty good idea about what to expect from the anime series. The animation looks spectacular, the voice acting seems engaging, and of course, the violence is unfiltered (as promised by MAPPA). So, it’s no surprise that every anime fanatic is growing impatient to watch the premiere episode of the television series.
What Time Does Chainsaw Man Anime Come Out?
Chainsaw Man anime is scheduled to release worldwide on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022, at 9 AM PT (Pacific Time). Crunchyroll will exclusively stream MAPPA’s project, but since it’s a simulcast release, the show’s release time will vary depending on your region. If you wish to see Denji on your screens as soon as the show is available, follow this regional release schedule:
- Pacific Time – 9 AM PT (Tuesday, October 11th)
- Central Time – 11 AM CT (Tuesday, October 11th)
- Eastern Time – 12 AM ET (Tuesday, October 11th)
- British Time – 5 PM GMT (Tuesday, October 11th)
- European Time – 6 PM CEST (Tuesday, October 11th)
- India Time – 9:30 PM IST (Tuesday, October 11th)
- Philippine Time – 12 AM PST (Tuesday, October 11th)
- Japan Time – 1 AM JST (Wednesday, October 12th)
- Australian Time – 2:30 AM ACDT (Wednesday, October 12th)
The first season of Chainsaw Man will run for a single cour with a total of 12 episodes. The anime will premiere this week with the release of Episode 1, titled “Dog and Chainsaw,” and after that, it will follow a weekly release schedule. A new episode will release every Tuesday, and the season will come to an end in around three months.
Chainsaw Man Getting A 12-Episode Season Isn’t A Bad Thing
Of course, some fans are disappointed that the first season will be much shorter than what everyone had expected. However, when you look at the fast-paced storytelling of Tatsuki Fujimoto’s manga series, the episode count of season 1, honestly, makes sense.
If MAPPA went with 24 episodes in the first season, the studio would have to adapt Part 1 of the manga series to its entirety. In that case, the studio would have been left waiting for a long time before getting enough source material from Part 2 to continue the anime series. That’s because Tatsuki Fujimoto has just begun the serialization of Part 2, and we’ve only got eight new manga chapters. So, if season 1 of Chainsaw Man (with 12 episodes) covers half of Part 1’s story, MAPPA will still have enough content to start working on another season.